I do not think COADE has the automatic system now. That North is from ISOGEN. If and when the update on CAESAR side comes and if it supports detailed sketch and full setup file possibilities (attributes especially) in ISOGEN it may be possible to set up axis system as "detail sketch".

Proposed system is not actually manual. Normally you "fix" the view direction and rotation of the model for the duration of the project. Any ISO should be made in same view/rotation. If you have the ISO in different view/rotation it is easy to get mixed up. When you set up the ISOGEN style using I-Configure you also select your drawing frame. I use either customer's frame, my own or one of the defaults. Just add correct axis system on that drawing frame and all ISO using this style has the box. Best is to include the style with your project backup.

That North arrow is actually bigger problem. It is fixed into one of the CAESAR negative axis. You cannot change this. You can rotate your model in CAESAR or change the North setting in ISOGEN. I have run into trouble with both in specific cases. I have not found a setting to totally remove the North arrow on the drawings.
