Hello again,
I have some doubts regarding DLF generator.
Both the questions are interrelated.
1)You have answered this doubt once, but I was not able to understand. So I am asking again: When we feed the force v/s time to generate, whether that same time will be considered as a load duration. That is, If I give 100ms time as input for DLF generotion, whether this same time (100ms) will be considered as duration of impulse due to slug/water hammer.
Also if my time history is as below
Time force
0 1500
100 1500
101 0
1000 0
What will be be duration of impulse ?whether it will be 100 ms and then will be zero upto 1000 or it will be 1000.

2)For slug analysis , what should be the time history to be given? that is only the time for which slug is in contact with elbow or along with this,time upto which next slug will come in contact with elbow.
For example, suppose slug duration is 100 ms and next slug will hit the elbow after 1000ms then which is correct method out of those shown below:
Option 1. Time Force
0 1500
100 1500
or option 2. Time Force
0 1500
100 1500
101 0
1000 0