Hello matt_laurent,

Within CAESAR II, element properties are propagative. This means if you apply any value (say Material, Code etc.) in the first element, its propagated to subsequent elements unless this automatic propagation is manually overridden by user.

E.g. of manual override; if there are 10 elements in a CAESAR II model and if any user manually change a property (say material) on fifth element, any changes made to material in first element are automatically propagated till fifth element but fails to propagate beyond this due to manual block created by user. User will have to re-apply same material in fifth element additionally to propagate similar material number till the end (element 10). List input section in CII is a good place to review this and all manual block/changes in between elements are displayed in "red" text here. In CII, go to "Edit tab --> List --> Materials" to review this. If you don't want to block this automatic propagation in between, simply delete these "red texts" in the list so that it inherits values from the previous element.

Code change is somewhat similar to material change. Please go to "Edit tab --> List --> Allowables" and check elements where "Piping Code(s)" are applied. If there is only one element in this list and if its the first element, changing code in first element should automatically propagate desired code value to subsequent elements in your CAESAR II model. If not, find all "From Node" in this "Allowables" list, navigate to this node using node search (Ctrl+F) and change code at these elements manually.

Finally go to "Options tab --> Piping Codes" to review changes you applied globally. This color coded graphical representation of piping code might help you with any unintentional errors prior to a batch run.

Denny Thomas
Software Consultant - CAESAR II
Hexagon PPM (CAS)

Edited by Denny_Thomas (04/05/22 08:30 AM)