Node 10-20 is length "L," the length of the expansion joint.

Node 10 has restraints x with gap, y, z, rx, ry, and rz. They are all CNODEd to node 11. Rz may potentially be removed. Verify with manufacturer if the pantograph is permitted to be rotated along the 2 bolts on the end and in the center at the gimbal. All others, except x with gap, may have a manufacturer stiffness. Check with manufacturer. x with gap does not have a stiffness - or rather, it has unlimited stiffness, because it's assumed once the slots run out to their ends, then they shouldn't allow further extension/contraction.

Node 20 is the same except for CNODEd to 19.

Node 11-19 is rigid element also with length "L." There may be additional design considerations at play. It might be considered frictionless or intentionally friction-acting. Seek clarification from the manufacturer.

But I'm going to assume frictionless, and thus suggest there are no further actions to be had.