I know this is an older post but I am hoping someone will be able to help out with some issues I am having on this topic. I am trying to get isogen set up to bring in the pipeline reference information (design temp, pressures, etc) from an excel file directly into the title block attributes instead of our previous method of using position text from a .csv file. I watched the videos from the links above that were extremely helpful. I have got everything set up where it is taking the default value that I set in i-configure and writing it to the attribute in the title block. I have the PODGRAPHICS-CONFIG-FILE set in i-configure and I think it is working correctly as it is creating the log file and the log file does have the attribute mapping from the GED file. However it is not overwriting the default value with the value from the excel file and the log file gives me the following error: *** Error: No connection to the datasource. I think my problem is in the GED.xml file. In the video the presenter made the comment that he thought a template file for that file would be made available. I am hoping that someone has that template file or a file they are using to do a similar function that I can compare to the file I created to see what I am doing wrong. Any help you guys can provide is greatly appreciated.