
When inputting dimensions in imperial units, CAESAR tends to replace the input with a particular text.

E.G. -1-7.6875 becomes "-1 ft. 7.688 in"

In some, but not all, dialogue fields where this is the case, you can manually edit these fields, with the auto-populated text intact, such as the DX/DY/DZ on the classic piping input.

One place where this is not the case, would be the "break at element" dialogue. It converts this to 1.000 in.


It would be beneficial to extend the input capabilities to incorporate fractional inches expressed as fractions.

E.G. "-1-7 11/16" or even "-1-7-11/16" becomes "-1 ft. 7.688 in." This would be a time saving feature as I end up having to verify these numbers with a chart on the wall or typing into wincalc.