It would seem to me that we could have a markup sheet (much like an elements sheet, restraints sheet, etc) that would allow us to add markups and such to flag the CAESAR UI.

As an example...

| Markup Number | .Type. | From Node | To Node | Node | Offset X | Offset Y | Offset Z | Text | Orientation | Size |
| ......1...... | Length | ...10.... | ..20... | .... | ...0.... | ...0.... | .10 in.. | .... | .....+X.... | .1.. |
| ......2...... | Angle. | ...10.... | ..30... | .20. | ..10 in. | ..20 in. | ...0.... | .... | .....+X.... | .1.. |
| ......3...... | Circle | ......... | ....... | .20. | ..10 in. | ..15 in. | ...0.... | .... | .....+X.... | .2.. |
| ......4...... | .Text. | ......... | ....... | .20. | ..10 in. | ..10 in. | ...0.... | Bend | .....+X.... | .1.. |

This would provide the length of a bend 10-20-30, specifically from nodes 10-20.
It would label the bend as an X degree bend

"Orientation" would probably be a bit of overkill if we're continuing to use screen text as an overlay. It's less overkill if it creates a 2d mesh in 3d, I suppose.

Whether this be a brand new markup system or a series of instructions to the existing markup system to replicate the markups when prompted, I leave it to you. Ultimately, the markup system is underutilized because it's non-persistent, and it's not clear to me why this can't be stored as instructions instead of user input through mouse clicks and the like.
