Vanman, you are correct. Running on SPLM it will pull two licenses when running Structure with Plant, on HASP it only uses one license. With the new licensing, ISL, it will function like HASP and only pull a single license.

I also agree with you concerning Structure vs Steel. I had little experience with Steel, and my experience with Structure has not been on the industry side, but I have not felt at any part of using it a pain. Usually when seeing disconnections with the center lines has been not connecting them initially and using the Snap to Cardinal Point relieves a lot of that headache.

Again, Structure running separately wasn't a way to make more money or running it inside Plant and pulling two licenses on SPLM. It all has to do with how licenses are pulled by SPLM and HASP. If money was the desire, it wouldn't have been designed to work like HASP with the new license manager.
"Try not to become a man of success, but rather to become a man of value."