The CAESAR II configuration file contains the version of the software that created the file. Anytime you access a (data) directory with a configuration file NOT created or updated by the version of CAESAR II that you're running, you will encounter a warning regarding this version difference.

The software should not crash - period. What is crashing, the configuration module or the input module? Do you know how the software was installed on your machine? Missing files or an aborted installation could account for software crashes.

When viewing the static (or dynamic) output we assume that analysis has been run with the same version of the software. You can expect quirky behavior if this assumption is violated - we often change file structure to address improvements and additional data. Version mismatches here can result in the software misreading (or misinterpreting) the data files.

If you continue to have problems, please file an SR so that Tech Support can assist you.
Richard Ay - Consultant