Just adding few point for sequential engineering before stress engineer jumps into direct assessment of FIV/FIV. Process discipline to perform initial assessment based on EIG and come up with what all vibration assessments are required (Table T2.1). Some operators have establish functional organization contingency in addition to EIG table T1-1. Process may furnish the support arrangement requirement from flexible to stiff which piping to achieve in their design. Piping to make an effort to keep the LOF less than 1 or within the EIG recommended range based on service and establishment of pipe work if LOF is more than 1 based on type of operating unit project (Table 3-1).

If piping support arrangement is already been set up as stiff and LOF is still above the recommended limit specially above 1 then process discipline can be asked to remove conservatiness from the flow rate provided. even that doesn't help than change in pipe th'k, dia with the acceptance of stakeholder to be implemented if more detailed FEA is not balanced policy option.

LOF more than 1 doesn't guarantee vibration but gives you an alarm for improvement in design.

Edited by Naren (08/22/19 04:28 AM)
Narendra Singh
Pipe Stress Engineer

Everything has some flexibility