Good day.

I am currently new on the software and would appreciate any comments and suggestion. As a new stress engineer I've read some subjects of the following:
-Roark's formula for stress and strain
-Stress Design of piping systems Mw-Kellog
-Pipe Stress engineering by peng
-Piping introduction to pipe stress kannappan

I am aware that based on my theoretical calculations from simply supported at both ends and uniformly loaded beam with both ends fixed does not provide any idea on how the orientation of the pipe should be. I am trying to use my computed length of supports around equipment with this formulas. However, when I try to model it through CAESAR II, the shown displacements under SUS only are way too conservative.

Any insights, ideas would be appreciated as I am aware I lack or missing certain understanding which leads to my confusion. Thank you.

Edited by Mattcaroni (05/06/19 07:20 PM)