Dear Mr. Diehl,
I didn't notice a difference between the results of the two models.

Instead, I noticed a difference in horizontal loads of node 432 and 433 in the Model_1; i.e. it seems that horizontal loads on X and Z restraints are different from horizontal loads on +Y restaint along X and Z direction respectively.

Perhaps I modeled X and Z restraints as a Guide because the rigid element is vertical but this doesn't change the results (at this time I have not the model here).

I noticed the same difference in horizontal loads of node 433 and 434 in the Model_2.

Can you explain me, please, why is there this difference?

"+Y restraint" is the upper circular plate of the spring can on which the pipe saddle is placed; "X and Z restraints" are the can ("the frame" that contains spring and allows to upper circular plate to move in vertical direction only).

So, I supposed that each horizontal loads applied by the pipe saddle on +Y restraints should be carried by the X and Z restraints; therefore horizontal loads on X and Z restraints should be the same on +Y restaint along X and Z direction respectively.

Berst regards

La potenza e' nulla senza controllo.