In addition to my previous post, please consider the followings:

- the program cannot "know" which support "was analyzed" and which one "will be analyzed", so that such discrimination is not possible to be done from graphics settings, even if additional colors would possibly be added;

- it appears that coloring each support differently, as per user discretion, it would require to introduce a new input option/variable for each node where a restraint/support is defined - e.g. WHAT COLOR to be used for the attached restraints?

- however, the initial post suggests the stress analysis process is an iterative one, consisting in repeated CII runs and restraints' color change in accordance with "supports analysis" progress stage. This would probably mean that after each iteration, the user would need to change for the "newly analyzed supports", the restraints color input variable/option value...In my opinion, this would mean an additional task that is not necessarily an improvement and/or an efficiency increase...

Personally, I have not seen in any other FEA or pipe stress analysis software such approach or "facility". I believe that for large models, the engineer should employ a suitable nodes' numbering approach and should keep the restraints' qualification progress tracking in a proper manner.

It would be however possible to discriminate between translations and rotations' restraints by coloring them differently...

Dorin Daniel Popescu

Lead Piping Stress Engineer