I'm going to assume you have a vertical run of pipe with two trunnions, separated by 180 degrees, each being supported with a spring.

If the line itself has any amount of rotation, the two springs are going to have a different load through the various design cases. CAESAR doesn't really understand that these are two springs at virtually the same location.

There's more than one way to approach this. My preferred method is as follows:

1. Place a single spring in the center of the vertical pipe at the trunnions, and tell CAESAR quantity 2. Save this file as "spring size." Run and read the cold load and spring rate the output.

2. Input these values as user-sized springs on the trunnions. Run normally, but also make sure you look at the load range of the springs and ensure they both meet the manufacturer's recommended load range. If not, you're going to need to manually size and input springs until they do pass.