
We are currently trying to change our CAESAR default translational stiffness value in order to avoid overdesign of foundations/structures. We picked 1E06 lb/in since standard structures/racks/individual supports rarely exhibit a stiffness greater than that number particularly in the horizontal direction.

But I have some questions if you could please help me answer them:

1) If we change the translational stiffness default to 1E06 lb/in, to what restraints will this apply to? Is it only XYZ and LIM restraints or does it also apply it to anchors? How about CNODE'd restraint nodes? Note that we will not change the rotational stiffness values and will leave those fully rigid as we don't see great benefit in changing it.

2) Will CAESAR fill in the default value in the Restraint Stiffness cell or will it just show it as blank like it currently does for 1E12? I assume it won't show a number, which means we will have to be very careful during input to fill in higher numbers for anything rigid like vessel connections and such.

3) Do you personally see any issues with doing this?

I appreciate your help. Thanks in advance!