There's no way out of some amount of tedium, here. Instead, I will offer what I would do.

Step 1: Copy and paste info from the elements tab into a spreadsheet, such as Excel.

Step 2: Use left() right() len() formulas to convert the verbal text into numerical values.

Step 3: Calculate axial and lateral unit vectors. Use IF() function to ignore vertical pipes. Assuming Y = vertical, then the provided X and Z values are axial. Lateral vectors are Z-> X and X->-Z OR Z->-X and X->Z. (Take your pick.) Unit vectors are these values divided by the Square Root Sum of the Squares of these values.

Step 4: Copy and paste info from support tab into Excel.

Step 5: Use index() & match() or hlookup()/vlookup() formulas to extract unit vectors to only nodes with supports.

Step 6: Export displacements to Excel and bring into this spreadsheet.

Step 7: Marry global displacements with the support nodes with index() & match().

Step 8: Axial movement is axial unit vector dot product with displacement vector. Lateral movement is lateral unit vector dot product with displacement.