
<< For eg, for SS pipe, if we have temp drop of 100C between two anchors in straight length configuration, stress will be E*alpha*DT i.e. 2E6*0.018/1000*100 = 3600 kg/cm^2 .. which can cause primary failures in weld.>>

I don't want to offense anybody, but...To provide two subsequent anchors on the same straight run pipe is an obvious proof of incompetence and misunderstanding of elementary statics and piping flexibility!! The potential failure is not necessarily related to creep phenomenon, it is due to general material yielding (collapse) overall pipe section.

In addition, to accommodate large thermal expansion and requirement for vibration mitigation, the solution is definitely not the the rigid struts, but the snubbers employment instead.

I'm just looking how people try "savant" explanations for obvious elementary mistakes and misunderstandings of fundamental background theory!

Please note that B31 Code theory is based on the NORMAL and ELEMENTARY assumption that piping layout and support arrangement design are carried out by competent and responsible people. Sound engineering practice means to design piping layout that is primarily working under BENDING loadings & deformations. If huge axial loads are developed, then..."there's something rotten in Denmark"...
Dorin Daniel Popescu

Lead Piping Stress Engineer