I'm having issue with PVelite 2018 while designing based on ASME Sec. VIII Div2 2017 Edition.

i have a vessel classified as ASME Sec. VIII Div2 class 1 vessel.

I proceed with below:
1-Create new file and select division 2, class 1
2-fill all the input with correct materials
4-error mentioning that material is not available in database.list down menu shows class 2 been selected.material will appear as (SA?350 LF2 for ex)

Even if I re-select the correct material, the error will repeat and material will be mentioned as not in the database again.

This is not occurred when class 2 selected.

As of now, we are not able to use PVelite for class 1 vessel for project purpose due to this problem.

Appreciate if you could check on this and revert.