By specifying "Wind," you have to input parameters for wind in the load case editor, which will operate based on the shape factor you specify in the wind/wave tab.

Likewise, by specifying "Wave," you have to input parameters of the wave in the load case editor, as well, which will operate based on the details you specify in the wind/wave tab.

The wave feature solves several water-related issues at the same time, though you may decide many may be inapplicable to your analysis. Simply enabling the wave instructs CAESAR that the pipe is submerged in water and buoyancy effects are applied.

If you're not considering wave actions in the horizontal, it won't really matter what Drag Coef Cd is.

If you're not considering movement of a floating facility dragging the pipe up and down in the water, then Lift Coef won't matter.

If the above two statements are true, then you likely won't need to consider inertial effects for Added Mass Coef Ca.

Marine growth and density work the same way as insulation. It makes your pipe heavier, bigger, though more or less dense based on your input. If you don't want to consider marine growth, specify 0.

In the load case editor, go to the Wave Loads tab and if you're not considering wave loads, just specify the variables to be 0, but input the appropriate data under "Sea Water Data." Set up your load cases to include WAV1.

With regards to sustained loads, you have to ask yourself the following:
•Will the pipe exist in an installed position outside the water? I.E. will it be constructed and sit for a few days before it gets placed in the water?
•Will the pipe operate in the water and out of the water?

You should also ask yourself:
•If the pipe is built on land, how will it be submerged into the water? Quickly? Do I need to consider drag loads while it's being put in place?

As a side note, if you don't want to deal with the wave load editor, calculate buoyancy force on the pipe per unit length and apply them under the uniform loads tab. You could also do any aforementioned drag forces in a similar manner.