Dear sirs
Our customer want us to use shoes + roller bearing supports on some 12" to 20" lines.
Friction factor for these kind of supports are very low, approximately 0.04-0.06, in the axial direction (the direction parallel to the pipe), much higher in lateral direction About 0.33)
This is because the rolling friction is much lower than sliding friction.
Normally, for a +Y support we define a friction that works fine for the x and Z direction.
In these support we would have different friction in X and Z.
So, how can I model a friction that changes this way?

Moreover the customer asked us how would me model the guide effect of the sloping rollers, if exists.

I'm afraid I'm pushing CAESAR beyond its limit.
I would model +Y support with 0.05 friction factor but I don't know how to model the transverse sliding friction.
What is your valuable opinion?
