There are two stress evaluations listed in Section 3.4. The first one is very close to the standard sustained plus occasional check found in B31.3. You will have to ensure that the B31.3 sustained stress intensity used in CAESAR II is equivalent to the older, (0.75i) still referenced in B31E. The maximum allowed stress for this check is not 1.33Sh as in B31.3 so you will have to check the limit by reviewing the calculated stresses or tweak the CAESAR II input to give the limiting stress that you wish. CAESAR II does not perform the second stress check where the resulting (force/area) caused by seismic anchor motion is limited by material yield stress at temperature. But you can send the CAESAR II forces and moments report out to MS Excel and SRSS those loads there, then divide that by the (corroded) area and compare the result to SYMS at temperature.
Dave Diehl