In one of our plants, 20” steam pipe displaced from its supports due to some (at the moment – unknown) forces. Investigation is on. A few facts for the fallen line:
1) Pipe is on a rack and has many expansion loops.
2) All shoe supports fell from rack beams between two expansion loops (Say from loop A to loop B).
3) Pipe displaced axially around 550mm (this is measured at a location between loop A and B).
4) Between loop A and B, the pipe is resting on some of the beams (shoe displaced) while it is not touching down on other places on beams at its (originally designed) support locations. At one of these locations where pipe is not touching the beam, it is measured to be having 75mm clearance from the beam.
5) Some of the axial supports are sheared.
6) Shoe height is 150mm for this line.
Now the main question is how to model this “displaced” piping in Caesar II.
One opinion is that the line to be modelled with 75mm gap and +Y supports for all supports between expansion loop A to B and axial displacement of 550mm at one place where it is measured.
Other opinion is that from loop A to B supports shall be modelled as +Y with 150mm gap and 550mm displacement where it is measured.
Which one is correct?
Shahid Rafiq