Greetings Programs,

I have had an odd issue with CAESAR II for awhile now so I thought I would ask if anyone else has it. It was in 2014 and is apparently still in 2016.

What is happening is that when I print out my results to excel from the static output processor that sometimes I get blank sheets. Normally I do Echo Input, Code Compliance, Restraint Summary Extended, and then all the relevant Displacement results. Everything seems to work fine EXCEPT sometimes I get either displacement pages that are just blank (I.E. the tab is labeled right, but there is nothing but a blank spreadsheet) or I get a labeled tab with a blank sheet and also a second tab that is labeled SheetX (where X is a number).

It seems to be very random. Sometimes I get all the data right. Other times I have 3 or 4 sheets blank. It also always seems to be the displacement sheets. It is very odd and I can't repeat the problem when I try. If I run the reports a second time it might work or other sheets might be blank.

Anyone else seeing something like this? I suspect an Excel problem more than CAESAR II, but I can't do much about Microsoft. wink

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Duncan McEwen, P.E., P. Eng.
Senior Mechanical Process Engineer