I never knew this topic was even here. I have a few things to add:

1. Window resizing. Please extend the ability to resize windows to ALL windows. The Load Case editor is the most obvious of the issues I think. You can resize the window but can not expand the data area.

2. Increase the node numbers beyond 32000. I actually like to leave a good amount of space between nodes and I actually had one model running into the 32000 limit. I am sure this is legacy code issues, but it would be nice to fix.

3. Improve interoperability with CADWorx. I can most of the time get a CAESAR II file from CADWorx, but there does not appear to be any functionality to go the other way with my CAESAR II data or changes. That limits the usability with out CAD group.

4. I too would request multi-session usability. If you could copy things from one session to another that would be a huge plus.

5. I also agree with the above suggestion that deleting a load case does not offer to renumber like adding a load case does.

6. Again, I also agree with the stress iso restrains with node numbers.

7. I would like there to be a way to run load cases at the same time with and without friction. Right now I either have to double the cases and us the global friction multiplier or run one, switch friction and run again. It would also be good to see what friction valve us used in a case when it is output.

8. This may exsit, but a way to preset the view of the model would be good. Mine always starts in the SE Isometric view. Similarly, my tool bars and input window have a nasty habit of moving around even if I locate them where I want them.

I am sure I can find more suggestions, but this will do for now.

Duncan McEwen, P.E., P. Eng.
Senior Mechanical Process Engineer