SO I have replaced my 2500 class spec with all the information for WExWE valves. This works great and can be easily manipulated if I need to use the 2500 class, then I will simply adjust the spec to replace another class.

The problem I am having now is I want to create a blind flange database, and was thinking, since I never use socket weld flanges, I would replace it with blind flanges.

I changed VALVE.HED to show "Blind" where it used to show "Socket". This works. I went into the FLG_S file and updated the information to have lengths, thicknesses, and weights for up to 42" all with the same formatting. I also updated the Spec file "600.600" to have an "EndSize" equal to 42".

Now when I go into CAESAR and try to insert a "Blind" flange it will only insert up to 4", which is the original default value used. It is not recognizing that I have included new data. Is this a CAESAR default to where it will not recognize socket weld flanges any larger than a certain size?