It is any manual,except the Application Guide,that contains examples with different type of supports and their modeling?
Not published by COADE.

-to input an "U"-bolt,guide type with 2mm gap lateral and on top of pipe(with Z the axis of pipe)it is accurate to be modeled like this:
Restraint Type:X Gap:2mm
Type:-Y Gap:2mm
Almost, but "no". You would need this:
Restraint Type:X Gap:2mm this takes care of the lateral direction
Restraint Type: -Y Gap:2mm this takes care of the gap when moving up, but the node is free to move down - therefore you also need
Restraint Type: +Y this prevents the node from moving down

-to input an "U"-bolt,fix type,it is correct to be modeled like rigid anchor:
Restraint Type:ANC
"No", that would fix all six degrees of freedom. Assuming the pipe in the "Z" direction, you would want two restraints:

Restraint Type: "X"
Restraint Type: "Y"

This would allow rotation about the three axis as well as longitudinal movement in "Z".
Richard Ay - Consultant