There are three rupture discs mounted on an equipment as shown in attachment titled as "picture.pdf".
The process data sheet is also attached titled as "data sheet.pdf".
Using relief load synthesis module we have worked out forces and the exit velocity. (Here we got higher flow rate than the one given in data sheet for liquid service.)
Refer file "liquid_1".pdf
Using this exit velocity we have worked out the time for pressure wave to travel upto exit. The minimum of three pipe lengths , i.e. 13 m is considered. We get a pressure ramp time of 0.5 sec . We have worked out a DLF based as shown in attachments "profile.pdf" and "dlf.pdf."
We run modal to get minimum frequency. For that frequency we worked out DLF . It is around 1.2
Since we are doing static equivalent analysis , modeled the force calculated from "liquid_1.pdf"by applying DLF of 1.2
Force applied at exit 45 deg bend.
Is this approach logical ?

dlf.pdf (411 downloads)
profile.pdf (373 downloads)
picture.PDF (358 downloads)
data sheet.pdf (609 downloads)
liquid_1.pdf (370 downloads)