I think could be very useful create a group with suggestion to improve Caesar. i think is a good way to developers know the dificulties of the user.

Example of improvements:

1.Caesar does not allow the multisession for an user (in other software of stress is allowed. (itīs very useful to compare model or copy things of the other model).
2.When you run the software, the input close, and open the output, maybe you could be the input and the output both (because in the output there is not the same element that input).
(The trick i use is close and open the output , so i can see output and input together).
3. Maybe in the output, graphical output, Filter for line (to see) is very useful (i Know you have filter in results but not in the graphical output).

In definitive the user may have new ideas and dificulties in his diary work, and developer could use some of this ideas and improve the product.