OUTP01.exe should not be crashing, but the information above doesn't help explain why it is for you. Here are a couple of things to try to narrow down the problem.

1) Make sure none of the files associated with the job name are "read only". You may have to turn this flag on in Windows Explorer to see this, but it is worth checking.

2) Does the problem only happen with one job? If so, open a Support Request and send in that job.

3)If you switch data directories, does the problem still occur? If not, then maybe there is something special about that one path-name. Let us know what that path-name is and we can try to reproduce the problem.

TEMPMAT is a temporary file extracted from your model each time you enter the input. Upon exiting the input the TEMPMAT file is supposed to be deleted. Close CAESAR II and try to delete TEMPMAT yourself.
Richard Ay - Consultant