Thank you for your quick reply.

To extend this question to a more general question, version issues aside, if I have a C 2 file, and my cfg is either identical or I include a proper cfg file in the C 2 file folder, do I have all the information for that model?

I assume that if I went into that C 2 model and changed a database part (eg valve, FRP, expansion joint), I would also need the proper hed file to look up properties for that element?

Last file question: the cadworx export-to-Caesar function produces a C 2 file and a C2db file. The model seems to run fine with only the C 2 file. Searches for "C2DB" in the UG, TR, AP, turn up blank. No pertinent results come up on the forum search. What is the c2db?Can I just run the exported c 2 file without the c2db file?

Edited by Mattatwork (02/03/14 11:53 AM)