We use this procedure here. I am assuming that you have some knowledge of AutoCAD, so I am not going to go into details.

For 2D drawings during the project (these remain live):
1. Open a template that contains your titleblock (in PS) and save it as your new deliverable (drawing number).
2. Xref in the areas you are highlighting in that drawing.
3. using xclip and 3dclip, create your views in PS (if you are good with the viewbox, use it).
4. Set your viewports to shadeplot = hidden.
5. Make your layer changes as required in your drawing (IE. fade the equipment to the background and highlight pipe).
6. Dimension, annotate, and leader your drawing in PS.
7. 2drep your centrelines (if needed), otherwise, leave the model as is.
8. Plot.

End of project (2d only):
1. Take the drawings and 2drep them.
2. Detach all of the xrefs.

End of project (model is deliverable):
1. Etransmit all of your drawings leaving all of the models, styles, etc in tact.

Rod Abbott , A.Sc.T.