Thanks for your comments Richard,
I managed to find some recommendations in the COADE's Seminar Notes (page 2-53). It is advised that sustained +wind is checked against allowable, but not thermal +wind.
I assume your case 5. should have been L2-L1. Then case 6 is sus+wind and you confirmed the above (page 2-53).
I have updated my cases and they are as follows:
1. (HGR)
2. (HGR)
3. W+D1+T1+P1+F1
4. W+D1+T1+P1+F1+WIN1
5. W+P1+F1(SUS)
6. L3-L5(EXP)
7. L4-L3(OCC)-wind
8. L7+L5(OCC)-wind+sus.
(9. L7+L6(OCC)-wind+exp.)
If the stresses in cases 8. and 6. are acceptable, can we conclude that case 4. will be acceptable regarding stresses and ignore case 9. (even it shows excessive stresses)?
Ranka Sofijanic