I have 28" hydrotransport slurry discharge line (API5LB).From pump discharge nozzle, there are 2 victaulic couplings and 5D bend, to hold pressure thrust force, there is a need to have anchor support on 5D bend, since no place to have dirctional anchor before 5D Bend. On Caesar model, I place anchor at bend middle point but it is not on the bend center line curve therefore no offset distance creating bending moment (arm length), it is not realistic. I did SIF check and found that 5D bend 28" SIF=1 so I modelled straight to the point exactly where the 5D bend middle point is located and placed anchor there. Can anyone comment on this method or do you have any good suggestion?
28 5D bend anchor support shows 45 degree clamp in the middle of the bend bottom plate bolted to the structrue (4 no each side).

Thanks in advance.