I'm supposed to use B31.3 latest edition (i.e 2010 edition) for one of my forthcoming projects.The client further requires that B31.3 2010 edition is printed on the Stress reports.

The latest version of Casear II is 5.3 which conforms with ASME B 31.3 (2008 edition). Is there any way out to fix this such as a new update or a build or something on those lines so that the latest code edition may be used for analysis?

One of the ways is to update the allowable affected by the latest revision of the Code in Caesar Mat database & activate "Code Case 178" & "F/a component" in .cfg file (since this is now a requirement of the Code).

But how can I make my reports to print with B31.3 -2010 edition shown on Stress Reports ?

Please help guys!!
Keep Smiling