smile The stress report as following:
3180 37451. 9161. 1.000 / 1.000 41748. 248590. 17.
3180 37451. -9161. 1.000 / 1.000 41748. 248590. 17.
3188 42011. 9161. 1.000 / 1.000 45888. 256533. 18.
3188 98971. -9161. 2.356 / 2.356 108028. 255633. 42.
3189 45789. 21883. 2.356 / 2.356 112948. 249251. 45.
3189 45789. -21883. 2.356 / 2.356 112948. 249251. 45.
3190 34466. 22892. 2.356 / 2.356 113473. 245912. 46.
3190 14630. -22892. 1.000 / 1.000 48307. 250636. 19.
3200 14456. 22892. 1.000 / 1.000 48255. 250638. 19.
3200 20942. -22892. 1.449 / 1.449 69797. 250104. 28.
From 3188 to 3190,this element is a elbow,and the SIF is only acting on the 3188 and 3190.But for the same point(refer to 3188&3190),they have the different SIF.How can we consider this?And Which code stress should we select as the actual code stress?