Hi all,

I've some experience in load cases, think of hot sustained, all kinds of OCC combinations and EXP cases.
But now the following issue.
I have a system where the highest secondary stresses in the + direction are from a load case with W (for example W+T1+P1+D1). The highest secondary stresses in the - direction are from a load case with WNC (for example WNC+T2+D2).
How to make a good EXP load case to get the full stress range?
Let's assume:
L1 = W+T1+P1+D1 (OPE)
L2 = WNC+T2+D2 (OPE)
L3 = L1-L2 (EXP)
This is not true cause actually L3 = (W-WNC) + P1 + (T1-(T2+D2)), so combining primary and secondary stresses.

How can I best make load combinations to get the actual secondary stress range from L1 to L2?

Thanks in advance for your replies.

Edited by Richard Ay (08/27/10 06:31 AM)
Edit Reason: Corrected L3=L1-L2