I am afraid I cant send anyone the trunnion papers as they are over 16 Mb. I have spent a considerable amount of time trying to email them with little success.
With regards to Warren Yins comments, this information has been in the public domain for a very very long time and I am pretty sure that its well past its copyright date and besides I know that as long as I have been in this industry all the major petrochemical companies use the Kellogg Trunnion equations and much much more, they even refer to it in their job notes,hell when I worked for kelloggs I used engineering softwares developed by other companies to help Kelloggs get the job out and visa vera, so lets not pretend to be squeeky clean eh, we are only trying to help each other and the industry.
To Mr. Breen I can only say thanks for your intelligent comments.
I hope this matter is closed now.
