These are the instructions of how to insert an image to a Post in this forum:

First either add a new Post or reply to a post. Click on 'File Manager' found at the bottom of the Post input box (see image FileManager.jpg).

Click on 'Browse' or 'ChooseFile' button and select your image.
Note: If you select a jpeg or jpg file, it will show below your text on the post. I'm not sure about the other types of image files, but any other type of file you choose will post a link to the image.

Once you have selected your image then press on the 'Add File' button (see image BrowseFile.jpg).

You will notice that at the top of the File Manager box it will give you a list of all the files you have choosen. Click on the 'Done adding files' button and finally Submit or review your post (see image DoneFile.jpg).


Description: FileManager


Description: BrowseFile


Description: DoneFile

Best Regards,
Luis Sanjuan