On July 4th,John C Luf's "cheap is best and thats all there is to matters." really hurts. I initiated this to cheer ourselves up.

It is no doubt that our hourly price matters in the short term perspective. But, from the stand point of brand image of the A/E firms we represent, it may be costly in the long run.

It does not require a disaster to prove a poor design. A poor design costs high in terms of high hardware cost & recurring O&M cost in this age of post-Kyoto regime of very high energy price.

We have to show that our hard-earned learning, experience, mental spark & open-mindedness add value to customers & with constant questioning & positive attitude, we have to keep ourselves relevant to the high-cost future market. We must try to make Customers realise that something coming cheap really cost high to them.

Wish You All in USA a very Happy Independence Day!
Let Lord reward the right & punish the wrong in Us.

