Things are not going to change until there is a seriously big bang in a plant that has been designed with external inspector approved QA.

The real numbers game is in external inspector's QA checks. Rather than deep slice checking they spend time on trivia and avoid the real issues like the plague. I have yet to find a pipe failure caused by an 5 mm dimension error in a CII calc. Other issues such as the tried and trusted sky hook pipe support are agressively overlooked.

A few years I was working on a project with the worst layout I have probably come across. Finding real and life threatening design fault should have been shooting fish in a barrel.

However, the only design fault found by the insurer was that we had incorrectly specfied Cl150 flanges for sat steam at 185 psi. Other little death trap issues like steam relief within the process building as specifically instructed by the Process "you'll effing do as I say" Engineer was ignored. The insurer informed everybody how clever he was about identifying our design fault. For some unknown reason, we never heard from him again.

(In fairness to the Insurer, another inspector noticed the indoor steam relief after the plant had been built).