There need not be a direct link between CAESAR II training and this certification exam.
Current thinking is to work it so that our dealers can offer this online exam. The dealers can schedule a test when and where they can can satisfy demand.
We are currently working with Tony Horn and his video training course for CADWorx Plant Professional. He is launching a similar certification program for CADWorx. I'm sure we'll learn more as we go forward with the CADWorx program.
That said, I also expect this exam to be offered at the end of our training class. But where do we find the time for such a detailed test? Anyone who has attended our training knows we already pack in a lot of information. But with a certification test in place, the class content will change as well. Why? Because the class content will change to fit the test. (While "teaching the test" is a frowned-upon concept in today's public schools, it's certainly valid for such specific topics as "Pipe Stress Analysis using CAESAR II".) With seminar content streamlined to fit these better-defined goals, I think we'll find the time to conduct this test at the end of our course (perhaps to the chagrin of those who wish to depart early from the last day of our class).

I'm still looking for suggestions on the scope of this certification exam. And I would like some specific ideas for test questions.

Happy Holidays...
Dave Diehl