Having read through some other posts on this subject, it seems there is indeed a point which forces and moments are to be resolved about. The wording of the NEMA code section is:

"The combined resultants of the forces and moments of the inlet, extraction, and exhaust connections, resolved at the centerlines of the exhaust connection should not exceed the values per limit 2."

I have reasons to be skeptical of how to interpret the code seeing that the following example after the above quote does not follow this process. The example only sums the forces and moments. There is no datum or resolution point to solve for. I do believe the wording is correct and example following it is incorrect. If I only sum the forces and moments for qualification against my allowable, there is no consideration for moments caused by the forces which are off axis (i.e. at the nozzles not at the point of resolution). I see this difference as being quite significant. So I am 90% sure that I am correct in following but their example puts me in doubt. Considering how important this is and the consequences of getting this wrong, I figured I'd ask y'all.

Thanks in advance.