It appears that the following support cases should be used for seismic no friction:

L1+W+P1=SUS1 (friction multiplier =1)
L2+W+P1+T1 (friction multiplier =1)
L3+W+P1+T1 (friction multiplier =0)
L4+W+P1+T1+U1 (friction multiplier =0)
L5+W+P1=SUS2 (friction multiplier =0)
L6=L4-L3=+U1 no friction considered
L7=L1+L6 = SUS1+U1 (scalar) friction in sustained
L8=L5+L6= SUS2+U1 (scalar) no friction in sustained

Is there a consensus on this?

Also should the lateral no friction seismic support loads be more or less than the friction loads? I would expect more.

Edited by mul211 (04/01/09 12:38 PM)