Hi kevin
It is not possible to comment just with graphix.

Just to deal with moment problem. In one direction moment could be high because high force in another perpendicular either direction. Long unsupported portion or using a spring instead of rigid support sometimes leads to increase in moment.

For your case I guess temperature is positive, you should not put Y guide support at node 63, that may increase Y force at node 330 & creat moment in X direction. Even if you like a guide there you can put it with gap.
At node 90 also I do not think Y direction support is quite good.

If you can increase leg of each branch that also improve piping flexibility.

Please just do not try match the allowable value somehow, try to understand effect of each support how they are affecting the result.
When I work with a critical system I make number of caesar run with different combination of support to understand the system behavior properly. Once it is clear it will be very easy to find a solution.

Please do not take my comments otherwise.

