Dear Mariog, I don't want to be ill-mannered, but your attitude is really annoying! I'm not so stupid to continue to skip the basics! I know 'Load case' document and I repute it very useful. If you note in 'Load Cases with hanger Design' both in OPE and in SUS we find H. But it isn't what I asked. I want to know, since it isn't written, how I can create the two first cases in presence of structure displacements. Are they the same which there are on the document or have I to do in a different way?
For example:
Will the second case W+T1+P1 be the same or W+P1+D1+T1, W+P1+D2+T1....for each displacement?

Now, if you want to help me, I'm really happy; but if you have to answer in a bad way as you did, please don't reply. I'll wait for other user's reply which will be more useful.

Best regards