I have been assigned to evaluate if enough licenses are available to Caesar II users. Currently, we have about 40 potential users and I was told that we only have 10 licenses on the network (Red ESL). I believe that a license is occupied when an user gets into CII. However, I was performing an experiment using the license manager monitor to see how many people were using it. It occurred me that even if 10 people are using CII, I can still get in. I guess it will "kick out" the CII user who had the longest idle time.

Anyway, I just would like to confirm with you on a few things.

1. Once an user gets into CII, a license is occupied.

2. No matter if all the licenses are used up, the next user would be able to get into CII thus causing the CII user who was using CII and had the longest idle time to get "kicked off".

3. When the calcs are run, the ESL is accessed. Therefore, if two users are running calcs at the same time, one would have to wait until the other is finished with his calcs.

Please let me know if my assumptions are true or false. Thanks.