The Intersection Scratch-Pad built into the Piping Preprocessor assumes you're dealing with a 90<sup>o</sup> tee, as defined the piping codes. This Scratch-Pad should not be used for dummy legs on bends.

To evaluate the SIFs for dummy legs on bends you should use the option SIFs @ Bends off of the Analysis menu. It is in this utility that you can specify the bend pipe size and the trunnion size.

The SIFs obtained here can then be used as input, back in the Piping Preprocessor. Note, to specify the SIF on the dummy leg, go to that element, then check the checkbox for "SIFs & Tees", leave the intersection type blank, and specify the SIF values. To override the SIFs for the bend, go to that element, check the checkbox for "SIFs & Tees", leave the intersection type blank, and specify the SIF values. (To avoid this causing an error in the Error Checker, you need to modify the Configuration to allow user defined bend SIfs.)
Richard Ay - Consultant