I am Aware That Caesar is an American Package, aimed at the American market for American Projects.
However, Us Europeans who use Caesar are now being encouraged away from Asme/american codes, in favour of the harmonised BS EN 13480

This is an extremally comprehensive code
Which fundamentaly treats the Analysis of stress within a system differently to ASME.

My Question Is This.

Do 'Coade' Intent to PROPERLY tackle the issue of
PED and EN13480 within the Caesar enviroment?
And if so, When?

'We' have done some initial studies of EN 13480
and are in the process of 'Harmonizing'
ASME B31.3 with respect to EN13480.
one of the results of our studies is to evaluate the operating case with respect to the Exp.Sa
and to keep the stress levels down to 75%

Ultimatly, PED could result in the migration
away from Ceaser II, in favour of a package that
does deal with PED.

Does anybody else out there come across this problem? and if so do you know of any sources of information? confused
Best Regards