
I just joined this group and noticed that your inquiry of Sept. 3 about DIN 2505 and AD-Merkblätter and EN 1591 is still open.
I am somewhat familiar with these.

I do not know of any english translation or write up about DIN 2505 or the AD-Merkblätter.
I could scan them and send you an email but that won't do you much good if you cannot read German.
If you just have a particular question or want to do a simple comparison calculation I can help you if I know excactly what you want.
However neither DIN 2505 nor the AD-Merkblatt flange calculation addresses leakage to the best of my knowledge.
EN1591 does address flange leakage calculation however it requires very detailed information about the gasket. This gasket info is not (yet) supplied by manufacturers on on a standard basis.

I have a copy of the original Waters & Rossheim paper about the ASME flange analysis and can try to scan it in and email it to you. Where do I find your email?

Hope this is of any help, let me know if you need more details

Theo Schotten
Theo Schotten