When checking for local load stresses in nozzle/vessel junction using WRC297, we model nozzle thru' WRC297 nozzle input pallete. This defines flexible restraint at the defined nozzle junction. We can then export the loads into 297 module to calculate the shear stress values for circumferential & longitudinal planes in the vessel membranes & nozzle.

However, unlike WRC107, we do NOT get the stress summation for these components. However, for all these components, we get 2 times the maximum shear stress intensity values. Does this mean that these shear stress intensity values at the 4 points on the membrane, have to be compared with the yield stress value directly (per MAX. SHEAR STRESS THEORY) and not go for stress summations? Also what about the Hoop stress value? OR should the PRINCIPAL stresses be further computed manually ny summing up the [(hoop stress + Long. stress*)/2] term to the sqrt[(long. stress*-hoop stress)/2 + 2* max shear stress intensity] and then compare this value with the yield stress?

* considering that long. stress = axial stresses along the longitudinal plane ???